Thursday, 22 September 2011

Last Stop: THANK YOU!

Final Stop here we would like to say thank you to BP for organizing such great event, Ma'Daerah Turtle Sanctuary for providing the place, our teachers, En. Zul and En. Sukri, our fellow friends who helped us, SMKPP girls for the solar panels again, and all of the other schools and E-Stars members for making the event a success! We really enjoyed every single second and it was reall a good experience to be cherished forever in our hearts! 2nd is a great improvement for us since last year we were at 3rd placing. Looking forward to next year's competition, grand prize here we come! BPMyScience Star Crew 2011, ROLLOUT! Byeeeeee!!

Friday, 16 September 2011

Thursday, 15 September 2011

40th stop : seed money..

Total Cost (RM)
Overall Cost /Activity(RM)
Solar Boat
Polysterene cutter
Silicon glue
Black Spray
Notice Board
Polysterene + etc
BP Week
       Pondok BP
Printer ink
Plastic wrapper
Stationary + etc
F & B
Student Allowance

Sunday, 11 September 2011

39th Stop: Stop killing nature!

A short video by Jasveerpal and Tharvin to create awareness on the importance of plants towards friendship!

Thursday, 8 September 2011

38th Stop: Solar boat!!

We are officially done with our solar boat, painted and everything. Hope God will be on our side on that day, giving us full intensity of light!!

Goh painting the boat

Jasveerpal helping on a little details
 The video of our boat.

37th Stop: Board placing!

And again trying to get the placings right so that it wont be a chaos when we reach Ma' Daerah!

Amir dont sibuk, go do you presentation!

Goh helping to paint one of the infos

Painting done!

Sticks on the board

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

36th Stop: Boat (Final wirings)

Solar boat's due date is close and that shall be our main focus now. Everything is working fine except the wirings. It doesnt look very neat, so today two of our teachers, En. Sukri and En. Zul helped us out on the wiring part. Thanks teachers!

35th Stop: Mari tanam-tanam pokok!

Today we helped to make the school greener by planting more seedlings and watering all the plantations before this. 

Afiqa and Goh loosening up the soil so that the air system will be better and the absorption of water will be easier.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

34th Stop: Cik Anis from BP dropped by!

On the 22nd of August, Cik Anis from BP came to our school to check out on our progress on the BP MyScience project.. As we know we are the first school visited by her. She arrived at approximately 10am. She brought along a photographer with her. Before Cik Anis' arrival, final touch ups are definitely needed and there are already students checking out our pondok!
One of our school prefect, Natasya putting plastic into the recycle bin..

Useful tips on saving our planet!

Final touch ups!

Bracelets and pamphlets!
Our Banner!

 Cik Anis and her photographer's arrival!

A visit to our office

A picture outside our school's office
From left: Puan Nik Nuraihan, Goh, Encik Sukri, Jasveerpal, Cik Anis Syazwani, Tharvin, Afiqa, Encik Zul, Puan Chong and finally Amir the ninja turtle..

Cik Anis inking down her signature on our guest book!

Goh explaining about our blog, which is in a scrapbook..

The photographer..

Jasveerpal explaining about the solar boat..

Solar boat 

Cik Aini's signature on our guest book..

Our BP pondok..

Explaining about another part of the pondok
Goh explained about the informations on the table regarding solar boats

This will be our SOS board.. explained by Amir..

Cik Anis giving suggestions on improving our board..

Wonderful Mural painting by SOS members

Jasveerpal explaining about our boat instead of prototype just now

A little gift sincerely from us 

Cik Anis giving final advises for us to be fully prepared 

And also not to be late on 18th September

Bye, we will miss you !

 We started off with the pondok. The first thing we did was introduced the products we made such as bracelets and pamphlets. We also brought Cik Anis to the SOS path where seedling were planted and mural painting..

Cik Anis' remarks

-She liked our products such as the bracelets and key chains. We gave her one of each product..

-She liked how we actually reused our banner from last year regarding the theme go green this year..

-She told us not to be late on that day as we want to be the first ones that reach Kuala Gandah for the elephants

-She also told BP MyScience tshirts will be given at Ma' Daerah

-She gave us advises on the presentation that we should speak fluently and avoid pauses

-Finally she wished us good luck and gave us a mini card as farewell gift..

Sunday, 21 August 2011

33rd Stop: Major Pondok decoration, finally done!

 We know it's a Sunday and everyone would love to stay home, sleep a little longer and rest. But we decided to finish up on our pondok. Complete all the final touch ups and decorations. And all our hardwork did pay off!

Tie up the banner again due to the change of pondok

Jasveerpal stop dreaming, WAKE UP!

The table is greeeeeen !

With the touch of branches and a money plant!

With a warn welcome sign
Sad case for Amir, cut his finger halfway working with a blade. Had phobia for blades from that moment onwards. He even fainted as he was fasting i guess. He did a lot of work today, so good job. THUMBS UP FOR EVERYONE'S HARDWORK TODAY INCLUDING TEACHER ZUL!

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

32nd Stop: Green Chat

So today we had a green chat with the form 3 classes. We showed them slides about how to preserve and conserve our resources. And the effects if we don't take care of Mother Earth well. This is to put sense into them at a young age to start playing their part in saving our world from coming to an end. 
They were asked questions and Jasveerpal is checking on them

Amir walking to make sure they concentrate


S.O.S.-Save our shelter

Quit posing Amir

Pointer of the day!

Monday, 15 August 2011

31st Stop: Testing on the real boat.

So throughout all those styrofoam cutting, panels testing and wire soldering, its finally ready to be judged. Our first real boat. We havent actually name it yet but lets just see how it works..

Soldering the wire that came off..

30th Stop: How will we spend the winning prize?

Welcome to our 30th pitstop. Yes now is the month of August, 15th august 2011. The question today is how to spend the winning money, which is RM5000. First we will divide the money into organizing field trips, activities and competitions. All to do with the main theme Go Green. Firstly our field trip is an adventure to Taman Negara, Kuala Lumpur. Taman Negara is a world sanctuary and Malaysia's heritage. Here we can learn about our ecosystem and in conjunction of the theme Go Green. The best part is we'll have fun at the same time!

The activities we shall organize and have is a recycling campaign. The money we gain will be used to buy 6 recycling bins with all different recycling materials. This means 2 sets as 1 set is 3 bins. Every Wednesday students will bring tupperware and buy the food from canteen and eat in their tupperware instead of wasting papers. As we all know, the less papers we waste, the more trees are saved!

We will also sell Tshirts which are designed and made from recycling products just like the jerseys created for the world famous FIFA world cup 2010. But before that, of course to make the Tshirts we need budgets.

Add in, we will use the money to buy motors and materials to be given to 8 teams. The missions and objectives of the students is to form a boat and explain in a presentation on how to move it based on what renewable energy? Example such as solar-powered, wind or hydro and others. If so the how is the method. Which is exactly the same concept as what we BP MyScience participators are doing now..

We will also have a competition named 'The cleanest class of the week'. At the end of each week the winners will be given prizes such as hampers. The money will be used for this. Lastly we will ensure most students carry a log book which records their daily activities and how they do their part in saving our planet. Log books will be revised every week for functionality purposes..