On the 1st of April, our school is proud to have Encik Zulkiflie with us to carry out the carbon challenge and trading game in our school computer lab. It started at approximately 8am till the end of school at 12.30pm. At first Encik Zul briefed us a little about BP and all those general knowledge about petroleum..
And then the day was carried on with Carbon Challenge, which consist of 5 questions. It was controlled by a small device and everyone was suppose to look at the screen and answer those questions by pressing the right button.. After that, we took a break for about 20 minutes.
When we come back, we played the Trading Game which was the fun part of that day. It's basically a business game for you to predict the oil price after the breaking news. Each team consist of 5 person and they are allowed to divide themselves into posts which are Chair, Market Analysist, Trader and Accountant. The chair is suppose to call for meeting and observe his/her teammates. The market analysist actually plays an important role because they have to analyse the news and predict what will happen to the oil price. The trader is suppose to take care of all the trading documents. And finally the Accountant keeps track of the finance.
Omg what's gonna happen next? |
The winning team for the Trading Game. Good job guys :D
From left: Gan Bowie, Shahrul Nizam, Kiren Nathan, Jaswinderpal Singh, Pravin Tharamadurai And Cikgu Zul |